Quotes, thoughts, opinions and timeline stamps for the "right edge" of the sheet of paper that is time... we never know what is on the other side of the right edge after all...
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Steen Jakobsen Warns "First It Will Get Worse..." | Zero Hedge
Steen Jakobsen Warns "First It Will Get Worse..." | Zero Hedge: "We have never been more monitored and never been less private, yet the ability to preempt terrorism seems low.
Maybe technology is not the answer?
More jobs, less debt, less inequality, more, far more education, more belief in people and perhaps less in machines is the answer?"
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Maybe technology is not the answer?
More jobs, less debt, less inequality, more, far more education, more belief in people and perhaps less in machines is the answer?"
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Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Q3 GDP Revised Higher As Inventories Surge Again, Personal Consumption Disappoints | Zero Hedge
Q3 GDP Revised Higher As Inventories Surge Again, Personal Consumption Disappoints | Zero Hedge:
"So what drove the jump?
The "old faithful" plug to "growth" inventories, which instead of dropping at an annualized 1.44% as in the original release, declined just 0.59% annualized, meaning that instead of contributing $62.2 billion, inventories jumped a material $100.6 billion, confirming that the inventory liquidation is still to take place, and as a result we now expect substantial downward revisions to Q4 GDP in the coming hours as Wall Street has no choice but to assume the inventory reduction will now be shifted to Q4."
The punchline: if it wasn't for the $40 billion surge in inventories shown above, Q3 GDP would be 1.2%!
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"So what drove the jump?
The "old faithful" plug to "growth" inventories, which instead of dropping at an annualized 1.44% as in the original release, declined just 0.59% annualized, meaning that instead of contributing $62.2 billion, inventories jumped a material $100.6 billion, confirming that the inventory liquidation is still to take place, and as a result we now expect substantial downward revisions to Q4 GDP in the coming hours as Wall Street has no choice but to assume the inventory reduction will now be shifted to Q4."
The punchline: if it wasn't for the $40 billion surge in inventories shown above, Q3 GDP would be 1.2%!
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U.S. GDP growth raised for third quarter | Reuters
U.S. GDP growth raised for third quarter | Reuters: "The Commerce Department on Tuesday said the nation's gross domestic product grew at a 2.1 percent annual pace, not the 1.5 percent rate it reported last month, as businesses reduced an inventory bloat less aggressively than previously believed."
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Sunday, November 22, 2015
Food trucks cooking up restaurant empires
Food trucks cooking up restaurant empires: "To general manager Elizabeth Petrosian of Portland, Oregon's Burrasca, launching the rustic Tuscan concept as a food truck — or cart, as it's called in Portland — was the critical first step towards realizing that she and chef Paolo Calamai's ultimate business plan: a sit-down restaurant."
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Friday, November 20, 2015
Albert Edwards Explains What The Next Stage In Global Currency War Look Like | Zero Hedge
Albert Edwards Explains What The Next Stage In Global Currency War Look Like | Zero Hedge:
"Although a policy of intervening to affect the exchange value of the dollar is nowhere on the horizon today, it's worth noting that there have been times when exchange rate policy has been an effective weapon against deflation.
A striking example from U.S. history is Franklin Roosevelt's 40 percent devaluation of the dollar against gold in 1933-34, enforced by a program of gold purchases and domestic money creation. The devaluation and the rapid increase in money supply it permitted ended the U.S. deflation remarkably quickly.
Indeed, consumer price inflation in the United States, year on year, went from -10.3 percent in 1932 to -5.1 percent in 1933 to +3.4 percent in 1934. The economy grew strongly, and by the way, 1934 was one of the best years of the century for the stock market. If nothing else, the episode illustrates that monetary actions can have powerful effects on the economy, even when the nominal interest rate is at or near zero, as was the case at the time of Roosevelt's devaluation”.
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"Although a policy of intervening to affect the exchange value of the dollar is nowhere on the horizon today, it's worth noting that there have been times when exchange rate policy has been an effective weapon against deflation.
A striking example from U.S. history is Franklin Roosevelt's 40 percent devaluation of the dollar against gold in 1933-34, enforced by a program of gold purchases and domestic money creation. The devaluation and the rapid increase in money supply it permitted ended the U.S. deflation remarkably quickly.
Indeed, consumer price inflation in the United States, year on year, went from -10.3 percent in 1932 to -5.1 percent in 1933 to +3.4 percent in 1934. The economy grew strongly, and by the way, 1934 was one of the best years of the century for the stock market. If nothing else, the episode illustrates that monetary actions can have powerful effects on the economy, even when the nominal interest rate is at or near zero, as was the case at the time of Roosevelt's devaluation”.
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No Joke! The Onion Predicted All Of This Back In 2003 | Zero Hedge
No Joke! The Onion Predicted All Of This Back In 2003 | Zero Hedge: "“George W. Bush may think that a war against Iraq is the solution to our problems, but the reality is, it will only serve to create far more,” read a 2003 article on The Onion a week after then-President George Bush launched the Iraq War. While a wide variety of organizations and individuals also rebuked that invasion, the satirical newspaper offered one of the most accurate assessments to date. So accurate, in fact, it all but predicted the rise of the Islamic State."
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Gold- Physical Sales Surge, as Paper Prices Plummet | Zero Hedge
Physical Sales Surge, as Paper Prices Plummet | Zero Hedge: "The spread between spot and physical continues to widen. Anyone who attempts to buy the real physical metal and have it delivered to your location will quickly begin to understand how out of line these two markets have become.
The US Mint backs this story, stating that the sales of its ever popular US Gold Eagles surged by 400,000 ounces last quarter.
Typically this demand has been from the East, as they are deeply linked with precious metals and know its true value in times just such as these. Ironically, this is not the case, as most of the surge in demand has been originating from the United States.
The World Gold Council has reported that the demand for gold coins and bars exploded by 207% in the last quarter, perhaps signalling that investors are finally starting to see the writing on the wall."
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The US Mint backs this story, stating that the sales of its ever popular US Gold Eagles surged by 400,000 ounces last quarter.
Typically this demand has been from the East, as they are deeply linked with precious metals and know its true value in times just such as these. Ironically, this is not the case, as most of the surge in demand has been originating from the United States.
The World Gold Council has reported that the demand for gold coins and bars exploded by 207% in the last quarter, perhaps signalling that investors are finally starting to see the writing on the wall."
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Blackstone COO: 'Bit of a correction coming'
Blackstone COO: 'Bit of a correction coming': " President and COO Tony James said Tuesday stock market valuations are ahead of themselves, and a correction is coming.
James ticked off a number of headwinds: the impact of the Paris terror attacks, higher U.S. interest rates on the horizon, weaker growth in China and problems in South American economies.
"The cumulative effect of that is, where do you look for good news that's not already reflected in the market? Earnings of the S&P are flat at best, so I think stock prices have had a great run and it's time for a pause," he told CNBC's "Squawk Box." "We see a bit of a correction coming."
Blackstone has exited "a lot of investments" where it can and is poised to take advantage of a correction with "a lot of capital," he said."
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James ticked off a number of headwinds: the impact of the Paris terror attacks, higher U.S. interest rates on the horizon, weaker growth in China and problems in South American economies.
"The cumulative effect of that is, where do you look for good news that's not already reflected in the market? Earnings of the S&P are flat at best, so I think stock prices have had a great run and it's time for a pause," he told CNBC's "Squawk Box." "We see a bit of a correction coming."
Blackstone has exited "a lot of investments" where it can and is poised to take advantage of a correction with "a lot of capital," he said."
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Nicole Miller CEO: Here’s the problem with retail
Nicole Miller CEO: Here’s the problem with retail: "In their efforts to cast as wide a net as possible, retailers — particularly in clothing — have made their designs boring, Nicole Miller CEO Bud Konheim said Tuesday."
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Thursday, November 12, 2015
Four US Firms With $4.8 Billion In Debt Warned This Week They May Default Any Minute | Zero Hedge
Four US Firms With $4.8 Billion In Debt Warned This Week They May Default Any Minute | Zero Hedge: "Four firms owing a combined $4.8 billion warned this week that they may be at the brink, with Penn Virginia Corp., Paragon Offshore Plc, Magnum Hunter Resources Corp. and Emerald Oil Inc. saying their auditors have expressed doubts that they can continue as going concerns. Falling oil prices are squeezing access to credit, they said. And everyone from Morgan Stanley to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is predicting that energy prices won’t rebound anytime soon.
The industry is bracing for a wave of failures as investors that were stung by bets on an improving market earlier this year try to stay away from the sector. Barclays Plc analysts say that will cause the default rate among speculative-grade companies to double in the next year. Marathon Asset Management is predicting default rates among high-yield energy companies will balloon to as high as 25 percent cumulatively in the next two to three years if oil remains below $60 a barrel.
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The industry is bracing for a wave of failures as investors that were stung by bets on an improving market earlier this year try to stay away from the sector. Barclays Plc analysts say that will cause the default rate among speculative-grade companies to double in the next year. Marathon Asset Management is predicting default rates among high-yield energy companies will balloon to as high as 25 percent cumulatively in the next two to three years if oil remains below $60 a barrel.
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Housing Bubble - Part Deux | Zero Hedge
Housing Bubble - Part Deux | Zero Hedge: "At this point there is no scenario that turns out positive for the housing market. If the Fed has the guts to raise rates, the housing market will tank because mortgage rates will rise. If the Fed chickens out again, it will be because the economy is clearly in recession and demand for overpriced homes will plummet as unemployment rises. Home prices have risen so far above fair value at this point, the market is already beginning to topple.
Flippers are getting stuck with houses they can’t flip for a profit. Hedge funds have stopped buying and have begun selling. Anyone dumb enough to have been lured into this market in the last few years will be underwater in no time. The foreclosure train will be leaving the station shortly. We’ve been here before. "
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Flippers are getting stuck with houses they can’t flip for a profit. Hedge funds have stopped buying and have begun selling. Anyone dumb enough to have been lured into this market in the last few years will be underwater in no time. The foreclosure train will be leaving the station shortly. We’ve been here before. "
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Australian Media Throws Up All Over 'Stellar' Jobs Report: "Don't Believe The Jobs Figures!" | Zero Hedge
Australian Media Throws Up All Over 'Stellar' Jobs Report: "Don't Believe The Jobs Figures!" | Zero Hedge: "Wait, what: confidence boosting data is unreliable? Surely you jest.
And here is the ABC's conclusion confirming at least one "developed" country still have a thinking media: "don't be surprised if the October labour market data is revised."
If only we could say the same about propaganda rags in the United States..."
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And here is the ABC's conclusion confirming at least one "developed" country still have a thinking media: "don't be surprised if the October labour market data is revised."
If only we could say the same about propaganda rags in the United States..."
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ECB's Draghi calls for 'fair' clean-up of risky Greek loans | Reuters
ECB's Draghi calls for 'fair' clean-up of risky Greek loans | Reuters: "ECB's Draghi calls for 'fair' clean-up of risky Greek loans
Loans to the poor in Greece should be kept by the country's banks, the head of the European Central Bank said on Thursday, calling for 'social fairness' in addressing any spin off of the country's risky credit."
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Loans to the poor in Greece should be kept by the country's banks, the head of the European Central Bank said on Thursday, calling for 'social fairness' in addressing any spin off of the country's risky credit."
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Friday, November 6, 2015
Kool-Aid Headline followed by forensic detail in next post - BOOM! Nonfarm payrolls up 271,000; jobs rate at 5%
Nonfarm payrolls: 271K, vs expected 180K; Unemployment rate 5%: "Job growth surged in October, rebounding from a late-summer slowdown that raised concerns about whether global slowness was infecting the U.S.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that nonfarm payrolls grew 271,000 for the month, a sharp jump from weak August and September numbers. The headline unemployment rate declined to 5.0 percent, declining even as the civilian labor force increased by 313,000.
A broader measure of unemployment that includes those who have stopped looking as well as those working part time for economic reasons declined to 9.8 percent, the first time it's been below 10 percent since May 2008.
Perhaps more important than the headline number was the growth in average hourly earnings, which jumped 9 cents, representing a monthly gain of 0.6 percent and an annualized increase of 2.5 percent. The average work week remained at 34.5 hours."
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The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that nonfarm payrolls grew 271,000 for the month, a sharp jump from weak August and September numbers. The headline unemployment rate declined to 5.0 percent, declining even as the civilian labor force increased by 313,000.
A broader measure of unemployment that includes those who have stopped looking as well as those working part time for economic reasons declined to 9.8 percent, the first time it's been below 10 percent since May 2008.
Perhaps more important than the headline number was the growth in average hourly earnings, which jumped 9 cents, representing a monthly gain of 0.6 percent and an annualized increase of 2.5 percent. The average work week remained at 34.5 hours."
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Who Hired In October: The Full Breakdown By Industry | Zero Hedge
Who Hired In October: The Full Breakdown By Industry | Zero Hedge:
"We know that 271K jobs were added in October; we also know that workers 55 and over got a whopping 378,000 of the jobs (this was the biggest montly gain for this age group since January 2012, a month when total job gains were 380K, the third highest since the crisis), while males aged 25-54 lost 119,000 jobs. But who was hiring in October?
Below is the breakdown of select industries which, according to the BLS, were most active in October hiring. The breakdown:
Education and Health: +57K
Professional Services: +54K
Retail Trade: +44K
Leisure and Hospitality: +41K
Temp Help: +25K
And Manufacturing workers: +0
In short, one more month where the bulk of job additions went to the lowest paying jobs, including teachers, waiters, entry level professionals, retail trade, and temp workers, while the US industrial economy continues to stagnate."

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"We know that 271K jobs were added in October; we also know that workers 55 and over got a whopping 378,000 of the jobs (this was the biggest montly gain for this age group since January 2012, a month when total job gains were 380K, the third highest since the crisis), while males aged 25-54 lost 119,000 jobs. But who was hiring in October?
Below is the breakdown of select industries which, according to the BLS, were most active in October hiring. The breakdown:
Education and Health: +57K
Professional Services: +54K
Retail Trade: +44K
Leisure and Hospitality: +41K
Temp Help: +25K
And Manufacturing workers: +0
In short, one more month where the bulk of job additions went to the lowest paying jobs, including teachers, waiters, entry level professionals, retail trade, and temp workers, while the US industrial economy continues to stagnate."
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Thursday, November 5, 2015
File and suspend Social Security strategy ending
File and suspend Social Security strategy ending: ""
Under the current rules, once you reach your full retirement age, you are able to file for your Social Security benefits, but request that such benefit not actually be paid," said Jeffrey Levine, a certified public accountant and IRA technical consultant at Ed Slott & Company. "By doing so, you can receive what are known as delayed credits,which increase your own Social Security benefit by 8 percent per year, not counting any cost-of-living adjustments that may also be added."
By using the file-and-suspend strategy, you and your spouse can both allow other family members to claim a benefit based on your earnings record, while at the same time allowing your own benefit to continue to compound and grow.
After May 1, instead of family members being allowed to receive a benefit based on your earnings record after you've merely filed, the law makes it necessary for you to actually be receiving benefits for them to do so, Levine said.
What you can do: If you are at your full retirement age or older, you can "file and suspend" your Social Security benefits by May 1 and still have a spouse or child collect benefits based on your earnings record, while your own benefit is suspended."
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Under the current rules, once you reach your full retirement age, you are able to file for your Social Security benefits, but request that such benefit not actually be paid," said Jeffrey Levine, a certified public accountant and IRA technical consultant at Ed Slott & Company. "By doing so, you can receive what are known as delayed credits,which increase your own Social Security benefit by 8 percent per year, not counting any cost-of-living adjustments that may also be added."
By using the file-and-suspend strategy, you and your spouse can both allow other family members to claim a benefit based on your earnings record, while at the same time allowing your own benefit to continue to compound and grow.
After May 1, instead of family members being allowed to receive a benefit based on your earnings record after you've merely filed, the law makes it necessary for you to actually be receiving benefits for them to do so, Levine said.
What you can do: If you are at your full retirement age or older, you can "file and suspend" your Social Security benefits by May 1 and still have a spouse or child collect benefits based on your earnings record, while your own benefit is suspended."
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Wednesday, November 4, 2015
The Exchange: Why Ben Bernanke, appointed by Bush, is no longer a Republican
The Exchange: Why Ben Bernanke, appointed by Bush, is no longer a Republican: "Ben Bernanke, the former Federal Reserve chairman, is unapologetic about the central bank’s response to the great financial crisis. As he tells our editor Rob Cox, and outlines in his new book “The Courage to Act,” the Fed was given little help by a dysfunctional Congress in reviving the U.S. economy. In the absence of fiscal policy, the Fed had to do all the heavy lifting. As Bernanke tells Rob, it’s one reason Bernanke, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, has dropped his affiliation with the Republican Party."
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Wall St. ends down after energy slide, Yellen comments | Reuters
Wall St. ends down after energy slide, Yellen comments | Reuters:
"Stocks added to losses after comments by Yellen, who told Congress the Fed expects the economy to continue to grow at a pace that returns inflation to policy-makers' target and that "if the incoming information supports that expectation ... December would be a live possibility" for a rate increase."
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"Stocks added to losses after comments by Yellen, who told Congress the Fed expects the economy to continue to grow at a pace that returns inflation to policy-makers' target and that "if the incoming information supports that expectation ... December would be a live possibility" for a rate increase."
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015
A Brief History Of Crime: How The Fed Became The Undemocratic, Corrupt & Destructive Force It Is Today | Zero Hedge
A Brief History Of Crime: How The Fed Became The Undemocratic, Corrupt & Destructive Force It Is Today | Zero Hedge:
History suggests that the only way to rein in the sprawling Federal Reserve is to end its money monopoly and restore the American people’s ability to use gold as a competing currency.
The legislative compromise that created the Fed in 1913 recognized that the power to print money, left unchecked, could corrupt both the government and the economy. Accordingly, the Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve System without a centralized balance sheet, a central monetary-policy committee or even a central office.
The Fed’s regional banks were prohibited from buying government debt and required to maintain a 40% gold reserve against dollars in circulation. Moreover, each of the reserve banks was obligated to redeem dollars for gold at a fixed price in unlimited amounts.
Over the past century, every one of these constraints has been removed. Today the Fed has a centrally managed balance sheet of $4 trillion, and is the largest participant in the market for U.S. government bonds. The dollar is no longer fixed to gold, and the IRS assesses a 28% marginal tax on realized gains when gold is used as currency.
The largest increases in the Fed’s power have occurred at moments of financial stress. Federal Reserve banks first financed the purchase of government bonds during World War I. The gold-reserve requirement was dramatically reduced and a central monetary policy-committee was created during the Great Depression. President Richard Nixon broke the last link to gold to stave off a run on the dollar in 1971."
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History suggests that the only way to rein in the sprawling Federal Reserve is to end its money monopoly and restore the American people’s ability to use gold as a competing currency.
The legislative compromise that created the Fed in 1913 recognized that the power to print money, left unchecked, could corrupt both the government and the economy. Accordingly, the Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve System without a centralized balance sheet, a central monetary-policy committee or even a central office.
The Fed’s regional banks were prohibited from buying government debt and required to maintain a 40% gold reserve against dollars in circulation. Moreover, each of the reserve banks was obligated to redeem dollars for gold at a fixed price in unlimited amounts.
Over the past century, every one of these constraints has been removed. Today the Fed has a centrally managed balance sheet of $4 trillion, and is the largest participant in the market for U.S. government bonds. The dollar is no longer fixed to gold, and the IRS assesses a 28% marginal tax on realized gains when gold is used as currency.
The largest increases in the Fed’s power have occurred at moments of financial stress. Federal Reserve banks first financed the purchase of government bonds during World War I. The gold-reserve requirement was dramatically reduced and a central monetary policy-committee was created during the Great Depression. President Richard Nixon broke the last link to gold to stave off a run on the dollar in 1971."
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Key Apple Supplier Halts Hiring Due To Poor iPhone Sales | Zero Hedge
Key Apple Supplier Halts Hiring Due To Poor iPhone Sales | Zero Hedge: " Taiwan’s Pegatron Corp - maker of Apple's next-gen iPhone 6S and iPad - has halted hiring in its Shanghai factory as workers note "sales of iPhone 6S have been disappointing.""
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Technical chart analysis shows why the Nasdaq will pass 5200 to hit 5800 - Uh Huh !!
Technical chart analysis shows why the Nasdaq will pass 5200 to hit 5800: "Chart: Here's why the Nasdaq will pass 5,200
Daryl Guppy
5 Hours Ago"
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Daryl Guppy
5 Hours Ago"
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